Last summer was so stressful. I was grieving my mom, caring for my brother and working an extra job on top of my own business. A big part of the stress was that my brother was having a manic episode. This caused family challenges as well as concerns for his safety and well being. I was doing the best I could to help him, making sure he went to therapy, picking up his meds and taking him to doctor appointments. He chose not to take his medication for bi-polar disorder which is a common issue with this condition.
After my mom passed, I took over Dylan's care, as I promised, and this included working for the dept of rehab so I could pay his rent and bills. Alongside my brother's care, I was also mothering 2 teenagers and running my own business as an Angel Coach and author, which is my passion. Processing the PTSD from my moms illness and death while caring for my brother who had a brain injury and was diagnosed bi-polar was emotionally exhausting. I'm sure I would have cracked more than once without the angel practices from my book, Receiving from Your Angels: Four Practices to Heal your Pain with Angel Love and my awesome team of healers that put me back together. Countless times I leaned into the Angels of Stress Relief to help me, not only get through the day, but to be present to all the love and joy that was all around me as well. My brother was in a nearly fatal car accident in 2018, which left him with a traumatic brain injury and he was no longer able to drive. He craved freedom and frequently asked me to buy him an electric bike. I wanted him to be happy and to experience some independence, so I finally got him a very nice Cannondale electric bike. He loved it. He rode it every day and even carried it up 2 flights of stairs to his apartment above the dry cleaners to keep it safe. He was wearing his helmet and enjoying himself and his freedom. Then tragedy struck. In mid August, just 16 days after I bought him the bike, Dylan was killed on the highway by a truck. It's devastating to write about and even more devastating to process. But process, I must. The sadness, the PTSD, the anger, the loss, the guilt. I know in my heart no one blames me for his death, including him, but it's painful to think that the bike I bought him for freedom, ending in his untimely death. Grieving my mom and my brother has tested the limits of what I felt I could handle while simultaneously making me grateful for every day and all the blessings I do have. I thank God and the angels for my career as an Angel Coach and Author. It's a daily gift to live my soul’s mission. It gives me peace and purpose to help others who may be struggling with physical or emotional pain to understand the purpose in their pain by connecting with the angels. If you are ready to explore hiring me as your Angel Coach and transforming your pain into peace, click the link and set up a free breakthrough conversation. In this free one hour breakthrough conversation over Zoom, I will share the angelic perspective of your pain and how my angel coaching programs will get you the results you are looking for. I would be honored to be on your team of healers. All my love, Jill
I lived in a car when I was a child. Just for a few weeks. My dad was a bricklayer and in the winter money was tight. My mom was a waitress and made ok money but it wasn’t consistent, even in the fancy restaurants.
As a child, living in a car was an adventure… but I know my parents hated it. We stayed at those cheap motels on Lincoln street so my mom could take a shower and then back to the car. During the short homeless stint, in the transition between apartments, we bounced from staying at my dad’s friend's apartment to the Salvation Army, to hiding out in the car again. My parents were never legally married, so my dad wasn't allowed to stay at the Salvation Army with us. It broke my little heart thinking of him all alone in the car. Heavy stuff for a kid to process. Eventually things got a little better and we finally got a basement apartment across the street from the school. I will share some more adventures from that apartment in future blogs. I went from a homeless kid (for a short time) to living in the same house in suburban Chicago for 21 years. One of my commitments I made to myself was to give my kids the life I never had. I’m proud to say I have achieved that goal. I moved from apartment to apartment and went to 6 grammar schools. When I was 11 years old my father was murdered. That loss sent a shock wave through our whole family and my mom cleaned up her act. She put herself through nursing school and busted her butt to make our lives better. My mom taught me that when you know better, you do better. She leaned into spiritual tools. Like tarot cards and Reiki to deal with her grief and I deeply appreciate her wisdom and love. I’m so proud to have given my kids the steady home I never had. I don't blame my parents. They did the best they could with the tools and support they had. When the angels invited me to teach about activating your abundance vortex, my parts went back to old patterns of judging myself. “How was I qualified to teach about this? I haven’t reached my current goals yet. I haven’t mastered the abundance vortex.” Even after all the healing I have done and abundance I have manifested, my parts were still in lack, judging myself and my progress. Writing this blog reminded me of how far I have come and how many goals and dreams I have already manifested. The angels showed me that I was naturally activating the abundance vortex around me by giving my kids the life I never had without guilt or shame. Honoring that dream come true, opened the floodgates of abundance and helped me realize I am qualified to teach about this. With my angel's help I continue to release the old patterns of lack, scarcity and poverty consciousness from my lineage and DNA, continually activating my abundance vortex. Where are you judging yourself or not seeing how far you’ve come ? Everyone has an abundance vortex! Abundance is your birthright. Through radical acceptance of yourself you can not only activate your potential but you can also become the most prosperous, generous and powerfully authentic version of yourself. Join me on Wednesday 5/15 for Virtual Angelic Relief. Activate your abundance vortex. Clear imprints of lack, scarcity and poverty consciousness that are blocking your abundance vortex. Radically accept yourself and how far you have come and watch the miracles unfold. Enroll today. If you are ready to hire me as your Angel Coach, I invite you to schedule a free breakthrough conversation or BTC. In this free one hour BTC, I will share the angelic perspective of your pain and how my coaching programs will get you the results you are looking for. Hope to see you soon. All my love, Jill 4/11/2024 0 Comments Blog 3-Eclipsed I’m still feeling the effects of that powerful new moon eclipse in both my physical body as well as emotionally and energetically. The eclipse brought up many emotions and parts that were ready to be healed and revealed.
This new moon eclipse revealed a deep wound of self hatred. In a powerful meditation with my coach to retrieve my soul’s medicine, master Jesus’s magnetic Christed heart pulled out and released old hurts and resentments I was harboring towards other people. This intense release revealed that those resentments were protecting my inner child that was screaming. “I hate myself”. Do you have a part that beats you up and maybe even experiences self hatred at times ? Although I was happy for this part of me and awareness to be revealed, it also was emotionally painful to witness. It left me feeling very tender and raw. I know as an earth angel, that rawness and vulnerability is a gift that helps me a better channel for the Angels. Although even with that, knowing and understanding, it was still uncomfortable. A new beginning for me was to just sit with it. To not rush to try to fix this inner child that was feeling self hatred. To allow the rawness and tenderness I was feeling in my heart to simply be there. It was uncomfortable to feel raw and tender. I also knew that healing this part would awaken more of my superpowers. Recently, in a client session, their angels reminded them that their clairsentience was a superpower. And one of the ways to strengthen that superpower was to simply acknowledge it. To acknowledge that, trusting their gut and gut feelings was indeed their superpower. So I was reminded that, although the eclipses can bring to the surface hidden karmas or painful energies, like my self hatred part, it can also show us the superpowers that have been hidden or eclipsed from our consciousness as well. If you are ready to uncover your superpowers, hire me as your angel coach. I love helping Earth angels to heal their physical or emotional pain with the love of their Angel team, and to reclaim their hidden superpowers. You can inquire about a free breakthrough conversation on my website. In this free one hour consultation over zoom. I will share the angelic perspective of your pain and discuss how my customized angel coaching program will get you the results you’re looking for. I am here for you and your angelic pain relief journey. All my love. Jill 3/8/2024 0 Comments March 08th, 2024S A D N E S S… is an emotion I often resist. I don't even know why really, because a good cry always feels so relieving. But my parts resist the feeling of being sad. Maybe they are afraid I will drown in it, or never feel joy again. Maybe they fear that if I feel the sadness I will be stuck there forever. Of course I have a lot of reasons to be sad. Truly we all do. I am still processing the death of my mother and brother within a year of each other. And of course there is so much collective sadness with all the violence and death.
As I slowly recover from a head cold, I’m so grateful for a powerful healing experience I had with my coach. I finally identified the “negative” emotion I was resisting, sadness. She had us envision that our soul was like the ocean, vast and deep. She had us step to the ocean shore representing our souls' love and hold the emotion we were resisting in our hands. When I allowed the sadness to come up and looked at it, even though it was painful, compared to the vastness of my soul’s love which is massive like the ocean, the sadness was not as overwhelming. Last Friday, I had a head cold and had to make a choice. Teach a scheduled training or reschedule it. I talked myself into teaching for all the reasons and I was glad I held the space and taught. It was an amazing group of healers. After class, many emotions surfaced, which is not uncommon when facilitating this deep angel work, that allowed me to look at my choice. During my coach’s healing YouTube live yesterday , I realized why I chose to teach instead of rescheduling a class over the weekend. I thought I chose to teach over canceling because I didn't want to disappoint my students, and that was true. But the deeper reason I didn't cancel was because I did not want to lay around all day feeling sad about not leading the class and all the other things I feel sad about. Wow. This realization softened my heart and helped me receive more love from my angels. As a sensitive soul, who feels so much, it's normal to resist certain emotions. Your angels remind you that your emotions are simply energy in motion. Your emotions, and your sensitivity to them, are a gift that helps you feel and receive your angels’ love. I would not be where I am today with the help and support of my team of helpers, including my beloved coach Lisa Espinoa. You don't have to do this healing journey alone. Your pain is a portal, whether it is physical or emotional pain, that helps you receive love for your angels. If you are ready to get support for your pain and let the angels do the work, hire me as your Angel Coach. Go to my website and fill out a short questionnaire. Once I receive the application, we can set up a free breakthrough conversation. In this free 60 min conversation over Zoom, I will share the angelic perspective of your pain and how my angel coaching programs will get you the pain relief results you are looking for. I have included my coaches transformative YT live, so you can receive this healing too!. Hope to see you soon. All my love, Jill 2/14/2024 0 Comments Blog 1- 2024I want to share a little bit about myself for those of you that are new to my page. My name is Jill Kempner, Angel coach and author. I served as a massage therapist and a yoga teacher for 20 years before evolving into this work, I do today as an Angel Coach. I didn’t always believe in angels. My childhood was riddled with stress, trauma and challenging experiences. I walked around with a big chip on my shoulder for most of my childhood. I was mad at God for being mean, unforgiving and judgmental (or so my religious upbring told me). I was mad at my parents for being irresponsible and stressed out all the time. I was even mad at my little brother, because I was too young to have to take care of him. As an empath, I was absorbing the emotions of those around me. Filled with guilt, shame, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility at a young age, I felt like I never got to be a kid. My heart was filled with a mountain of hurt that would take a miracle to dissolve, after my father was murdered when I was 11 years old. My teenage years were filled with rock music and rage. I went to massage school right out of high school. The freedom and flexibility of my massage career was perfect for my life path 5, freedom loving, Sagittarian spirit. Turns out my extroverted empath energy was a great fit for massage. I soon found out that massage was tough on the body so seeking self care and balance, I became a yoga teacher in 2001. I am so blessed to have married my soulmate. After our first child was born, I struggled with postpartum depression and undiagnosed PTSD. It wasn't until after my psych hospital visit and subsequent dark night of the soul (2006-2007) that I delved into the energy medicine world. I studied Reiki, IET (angel healing), Crystal Healing and more to understand myself better and to heal my PTSD. A few years shy of my 20 years as a Massage Therapist. I tore my ACL and had reconstructive surgery on my left knee. This sudden injury had me reevaluate my career path and also led to tearing my right shoulder. Although I was filled with fear about my future, I stayed true to my heartfelt prayer of becoming a spiritual teacher. I stayed devoted to my daily angel meditation practice, and other spiritual tools that kept my heart, mind and intuition open to my soul's path. I knew in my heart my pain had a purpose. My painful shoulder injury led me to retire from massage therapy after 20 years. I had no idea that retiring from massage and becoming an Angel Professional would be the most rewarding and transformational years of my life. In 2021, I published my debut book, Receiving from Your Angels: Four Practices To Heal Your Pain with Angel Love, and shortly after that shifted my title to Angel Coach and Author. I'm so thankful for my angels having my back as I moved through several years (2018-2023) of difficult initiations including my brother's near fatal car accident which left him with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), to my mothers terminal cancer diagnosis and death to my brother's deadly bike accident this past August. Part of my passion is to help those highly sensitive and highly intuitive earth angels reconnect with their natural spiritual gifts and angelic connection by learning the deeper meaning of their pain. Your pain, whether it's physical or emotional, has a purpose and your team of angels know how to heal that pain. All you have to do is ask and receive their help. My angel coaching programs walk you step by step on how to heal your pain for good, all while feeling loved and held by the divine. You are a walking miracle and your pain is a portal for angelic love. One of the greatest gifts the angels have given me is the ability to see my pain from a higher perspective and from that space, relax and release. To know that the universe is benevolent and I am loved unconditionally. If you're ready to hire me as your Angel Coach, go to my website and fill out a short questionnaire. Once I receive the application, we can set up a free breakthrough conversation. In this free 60 min conversation over Zoom, I will share the angelic perspective of your pain and how my angel coaching programs will get you the pain relief results you are looking for. Blog #17 It's not about perfection, it's about presence
Happy full moon earth angels. Full moons are a time for celebration, illumination and completion. The full moon illuminates your shadowy parts that you may want to hide from others. For those sensitive souls, the full moon magnetizes your already open intuitive channels making it easier to access angelic pain relief. In my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels: Four Practices to Heal Your Pain with Angel Love, available on Amazon, the angels teach that you are loved beyond measure. There are no parts of you that God and the angels don't love. This universal message of love needs to be stated over and over again, because your ego loves to fill you with fear. The ego will have you believe that you aren't good enough to receive angelic assistance. You're not worthy enough to shine your light brighter or you're not “perfect” enough to be in God’s good graces. In my book the angels teach that it's not about perfection, it's about presence. When I used to teach yoga, the reason people gave for not getting on the mat was, “I'm not flexible, so i can't do yoga”. I would always say, “You don't have to be flexible to do yoga, yoga creates flexibility.” You just have to show up and get on the mat. It's the same thing with your angels. You don't have to be perfect or feel good to connect with your angels, you just have to show up. The angels will help you feel good. They will take away your burdens, your pain and your anxiety, if you just ask. I've been waking up the past few months still feeling tired and in a funk, even when I get enough sleep and do all the things. Of course once I do my angel practice, I always feel better. I think there is this common misperception that you have to feel good before you connect with your angels and meditate and do your practice. And that just is not true. You don't have to be 100% to connect with your angels. Your angels will meet you where you are at, whatever funk or state of mind you may be in. Your willing presence is enough to invite the angelic pain relief you need. The angels remind you that in all your human imperfections, you are still spiritually perfect. You are meant to be fully human and fully divine. When I get in a funk, I use the magical mantra that creates an instantaneous angelic connection and pain relief. “I am devoted to receiving love from my angels.” When you go back to that same pain pattern that the full moon is illuminating, you have broken the sacred promise. This is totally normal and your angels will never, ever judge you. When you fall, fail or make a mistake, your angels love you even more. All you have to do is re-devote, using that magical mantra and get back in the flow of your angels’ love. Devotion is the sacred promise you make to yourself to keep showing up and being present. Every time you break that sacred promise and then redevote, you strengthen your angelic connection. The road to spiritual perfection is paved by showing up, loving your human parts and staying in the flow of your angel's love. If you are ready to commit to your angel practice to heal your pain, hire me as your angel coach. Fill out a short questionnaire on my website and schedule a free breakthrough conversation. In this free 45-60 min BTC, I will help you get clear about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings, Jill 9/24/2022 0 Comments New moon blog #16. My tender heartNew moon blog #16. My tender heart
Happy new moon, autumnal equinox and happy new year to those who celebrate. New moons are a time of new beginnings and a chance for a clean slate. A new moon is dark and provides the perfect space to release the pain, fear and trauma of the previous month. For sensitive souls like earth angels the new moon is a portal for increased intuitive downloads. This new moon I’m going to share my tenderness around my mom's passing. As many of you know my mom was diagnosed with bile duct cancer on June 27, 2021 and passed away on July 7, 2022. That year of being my mom's full time caregiver and watching her die in front of my eyes was very traumatic. The part that kills me was she didn’t want to die. She had so many plans for things she hadn’t done yet, like buy a home, get married and finish the books she was writing. Not to mention the pain of leaving my brother who she took care of after his brain injury. It’s been 11 weeks since she passed and not a day goes by that I don’t cry. I don’t share this for you to feel bad for me, I share to be authentic about the painful initiation we both went through and how my angels and the practices in my book supported me through it. I’m so grateful for the practices in my book holding me up through the most painful initiation of my life. As I watched my mom slowly decline and suffer in pain, my parts often felt angry or in resistance. Every time I was angry or frustrated I was so grateful for the practice of renewing your devotion. I knew I could break the sacred promise, going back to fear and then continually re-devote to receiving my angels’ love. Becoming my mom's full-time caregiver and running two households for over a year was extremely stressful. Witnessing her physical and emotional struggle was an incredibly painful experience. I was grateful for the medicine of practice number two: relax and cherish your body. Knowing that relaxation is the gateway to angelic pain relief, helped to restore and rejuvenate my energy so I could continue to care for my mom. Absolutely nothing prepares you for the death of your mother. My mom was only 67 years old. She had just retired from her 30 year nursing career just 2 months prior to her diagnosis. She had one complication after the next in her cancer journey. From extreme pain to needing biliary drains to eventually brain damage from an accidental drug overdose from the high doses of pain meds prescribed by the doctors. The medicine of practice three, release and lead with your heart, allows me to consciously release the sadness, grief and pain of her death while processing the deeper meaning of that experience. The last weeks of her life were traumatic for me because I had to administer several strong pain medication‘s to keep her comfortable and sedated. When she was lucid and able to talk, she was very scared and having delusions. For some reason those last days of her life and having to keep her asleep so that she wouldn’t be scared and in pain was traumatic for me. Without the conscious connection of receiving my angels’ love and trusting my intuition on a daily basis, I know the PTSD that I have experienced would be even more intense. Being an angel coach and author doesn’t mean I will never experience hard things. Having a clear angelic connection doesn’t make you immune to challenges or struggle. It does however mean that you will be loved and supported as you navigate them. If you hire me as your angel coach, I will walk by your side as you deepen your connection to your own angels through whatever pain you are going through. I will support you to create a unique, joyful and personal connection with your angels every day. I will teach you tools to relax and release your pain or sorrow with the love of your angels. You will receive relaxing, nurturing and empowering angel healing sessions from me to support the release and transformation of your deepest pain into peace. You will receive an angel attunement so you can give yourself infusions of the angelic energy of compassion. This attunement will not only heal your pain but help you discover the deeper meaning of it as well. If you are ready to transform your pain into peace, hire me as your angel coach. Fill out a short questionnaire on my website and schedule a free breakthrough conversation. In this free 45-60 min BTC, I will help you get clear about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon angel blessings, Jill Blog #15. The shadow of clairsentience
Happy full moon and Mercury retrograde earth angels The full moon is a potent time of illumination, celebration and heightened intuition. For earth angels the full moon can sometimes be overstimulating because of all the pain parts that get illuminated or incredibly draining because your intuitive channels are receiving an influx of too many energies at once. As a sensitive soul the full moon magnetizes your intuitive channels increasing your ability to receive angelic pain relief. Personally, this full moon is illuminating all the stress and sadness I have experienced recently. From my mothers passing, to finding my brother a new apartment, to managing my mom's estate and Dylan’s needs too. The stress has taken a toll on my gut as I process my mothers death and become my brother's caregiver. I often dismiss or just forget about how the angels are speaking to me through my gut feelings. Clairsentience means clear feeling and is the most common intuitive channel of receiving angel messages. Clairsentience is your ability to receive angel messages through your feelings, emotions and physical body sensations. This can be a tricky intuitive channel because as an earth angel and an empath you feel so deeply. Sometimes your emotions and feelings can be so intense that it’s difficult to discern between your feelings and emotions and what is direct angel guidance. Every feeling and emotion you have is valid and worthy of your attention. Your emotions are simply “energy in motion” and one of the gifts of being human. The biggest shadow of clairsentience is absorbing and even processing other people's emotions as if they are your own. This habit will dampen your clairsentience channel and make it difficult to discern between the bodily messages your angels are sending you and your own or others feelings. Remember to observe NOT absorb. Codependency, which is changing your mood and energy because of others, is another shadow of clairsentience. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by others' energy and emotions this is a sign to cut the cords of codependency and re-attune your clairsentience to your angels’ love. It’s important to remember that no one can make you feel any way. As my teacher Kyle Gray says, you are the keeper of your mind and body. Your thoughts are creating your feelings and you have the power to change, cultivate and nurture positive angel thoughts. The shadow of clairsentience can also show up as stress, emotional abuse, trauma or PTSD and this can make it difficult to trust this intuitive channel. Your angels know that your body is the divination tool as it instantly responds to fear or love. Your angels speak to you through your body and emotions and guide you to trust your gut. Honoring your own deep emotions in a healthy and empowering way will actually strengthen your angelic connection. To heal and empower your clairsentient channel you must be devoted to clearing cords of codependency, not absorbing others emotions and processing your own emotions with compassion. During this full moon cycle which is coupled with the start of mercury retrograde make time to relax your body and mind and release pain and stress so you can receive your angels’ tender loving care. If you are ready to trust your gut and heal your pain with angel love, hire me as your Angel Coach. Fill out a short questionnaire on my website and schedule a free breakthrough conversation. In this free 45-60 min BTC i will help you get clear about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings, Jill Blog #14 Clairvoyance: The fastest way to receive angel messages
Happy new moon earth angels. New moons are a time to press the reset button and begin again. New moons invite you to release fear of seeing yourself fully and open to new beginnings of self-acceptance. As an earth angel your sensitivity and intuitiveness are heightened during the moon cycles. In my debut book, Receiving From Your Angel: Four Practices to Heal Your Pain with Angel Love, the angels teach that your intuition is your direct line to the divine. Every single human was given the gift of intuition, no exceptions. Your loving Creator would never deny you direct access to divine love and support. However because of free will you can choose whether you use or deny your God given spiritual gifts. I know first hand how difficult it can be to open your clairvoyance. Not only the fear of being judged or called weird but also the fear that I would trust it and then make a mistake. It took me many years to understand the depth of my clairvoyance and to understand how my angels were communicating with me through it. There were many times I did not want to see what the angels were showing me. I wanted to hide from them and myself. It takes tremendous courage to both receive and trust your clairvoyance. As an earth angel you are here to embody the benevolence of the Divine. A powerful way to stay in the flow of your angel's love is to trust and receive your intuition. Remember there are two types of intuition, direct and indirect angel guidance. Direct angel guidance is when your angels speak directly to you through your five intuitive channels. Each channel, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairfragrance and clairsentience, offer rich energy, information and angelic pain relief. Indirect angel guidance is when the angels speak to you through signs and synchronicity, like through music, numbers, finding coins and or through other people and events. In particular the angels are highlighting the direct angel guidance channel of clairvoyance during this new moon cycle. Clairvoyance which means clear vision is when your angels give you messages through your inner vision or mind's eye. Like the adage, a picture is worth a thousand words, your angels know that your clairvoyance is the fastest and most efficient way to send you healing messages. Your clairvoyance is like a mental movie that clearly shows your next pain-relieving angel steps. The angels understand your fears that block the healthy use of your clairvoyance. The shadow of clairvoyance can show up as being afraid to see something scary to even seeing your own divinity. The other shadows of clairvoyance like worry, self-doubt, distrust and confusion make it difficult to trust this intuitive channel. Clairvoyance is not about seeing the future or planning for the worst case scenario. Clairvoyance is about seeing inside yourself, your inner world, your parts and of course seeing your angels. Opening your clairvoyance to your angels’ love is a process that can be amplified during the moon cycles. During this new moon, you can invite Archangel Raziel to shine the rainbow ray into your third eye chakra in between your eyebrows. Inhale trust and exhale worries and doubts to begin the healing and clearing of your divine gift of psychic sight. If you are ready to receive and trust your intuition to heal your pain with angel love, hire me as your Angel Coach. Fill out a short questionnaire on my website and then schedule a free breakthrough conversation. In your free consultation I will share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon angel blessings. Jill 8/10/2022 1 Comment Blog #13 PTSD is NOT permanentBlog #13 PTSD is NOT permanent
Happy full moon earth angels. August is the karmic healing month and this is a powerful week with the Lions gate portal and the full moon cycle intersecting. The full moon illuminates the karmic patterns that are ready to heal. An angel download I received is “what is revealed will be healed”. As an earth angel the full moon magnetizes your intuitive channels creating a clear pathway for angelic divine downloads. The karma for me that’s being “revealed to heal” at this time is PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder is the stress you may feel from a previous trauma you experienced. My PTSD often shows up as flashbacks to a difficult time that in the moment was very hard to process. My PTSD can also show up as pain in my body or sudden body movements or twitches. I write about several traumatic experiences that I’ve had throughout my life and the resulting PTSD in my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels: Four Practices to Heal Your Pain with Angel Love. Part of my life’s mission is to help others heal PTSD with angel love. What is karma exactly? Karma is not the law of retribution, and eye for an eye or God’s punishment. Karma is not even good or bad. In the simplest version karma is just a pattern. The Angels teach that your karma is soul chosen and that the more difficult the karma is to heal the bigger the growth will be for you. Karma is the law of cause and effect and rather than seeing it as good or bad karma, the Angels view it as either restrictive or expansive karma. The Angels have shown me that your karma IS the issue in the tissue or the wound that you’ve been experiencing. This wound could be from this life or past life times. Sometimes as earth angels we come to heal generational or ancestral karma and put that pattern to rest for good. As an earth angel you came here to heal your karma. Your soul chose the perfect family, people, situations and experiences that would trigger these karmic patterns to surface. Your job is to choose love over fear. Each time you choose love over fear you move forward on your ascension path. Consciously healing your karma takes courage. There are so many layers of stress and pain that I am working through as I witnessed my mothers difficult battle with bile duct cancer and her ultimate death. I could not have walked through that traumatic year with as much presence as I had without my angels and the four practices in my book lighting the way. As painful, scary and disruptive as PTSD can be, I assure you that PTSD is not permanent. Any karma or trauma can be healed by receiving love from your angels. Your angels and the Divine are more powerful than your karma! To heal PTSD you must have a commitment of consciously relaxing and releasing the karma or pain and receiving healing love from your angels. The end result of healing your karma by receiving love from your angels is to transform it into your dharma which is your life‘s purpose. If you are ready to identify, heal and transform your karma, Hire me as your Angel Coach. Go to my website and fill out the breakthrough conversation application and set up a free 45 to 60 minute conversation with me. In this free BTC I will share your customized Angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings. Jill |
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