9/24/2022 0 Comments New moon blog #16. My tender heartNew moon blog #16. My tender heart
Happy new moon, autumnal equinox and happy new year to those who celebrate. New moons are a time of new beginnings and a chance for a clean slate. A new moon is dark and provides the perfect space to release the pain, fear and trauma of the previous month. For sensitive souls like earth angels the new moon is a portal for increased intuitive downloads. This new moon I’m going to share my tenderness around my mom's passing. As many of you know my mom was diagnosed with bile duct cancer on June 27, 2021 and passed away on July 7, 2022. That year of being my mom's full time caregiver and watching her die in front of my eyes was very traumatic. The part that kills me was she didn’t want to die. She had so many plans for things she hadn’t done yet, like buy a home, get married and finish the books she was writing. Not to mention the pain of leaving my brother who she took care of after his brain injury. It’s been 11 weeks since she passed and not a day goes by that I don’t cry. I don’t share this for you to feel bad for me, I share to be authentic about the painful initiation we both went through and how my angels and the practices in my book supported me through it. I’m so grateful for the practices in my book holding me up through the most painful initiation of my life. As I watched my mom slowly decline and suffer in pain, my parts often felt angry or in resistance. Every time I was angry or frustrated I was so grateful for the practice of renewing your devotion. I knew I could break the sacred promise, going back to fear and then continually re-devote to receiving my angels’ love. Becoming my mom's full-time caregiver and running two households for over a year was extremely stressful. Witnessing her physical and emotional struggle was an incredibly painful experience. I was grateful for the medicine of practice number two: relax and cherish your body. Knowing that relaxation is the gateway to angelic pain relief, helped to restore and rejuvenate my energy so I could continue to care for my mom. Absolutely nothing prepares you for the death of your mother. My mom was only 67 years old. She had just retired from her 30 year nursing career just 2 months prior to her diagnosis. She had one complication after the next in her cancer journey. From extreme pain to needing biliary drains to eventually brain damage from an accidental drug overdose from the high doses of pain meds prescribed by the doctors. The medicine of practice three, release and lead with your heart, allows me to consciously release the sadness, grief and pain of her death while processing the deeper meaning of that experience. The last weeks of her life were traumatic for me because I had to administer several strong pain medication‘s to keep her comfortable and sedated. When she was lucid and able to talk, she was very scared and having delusions. For some reason those last days of her life and having to keep her asleep so that she wouldn’t be scared and in pain was traumatic for me. Without the conscious connection of receiving my angels’ love and trusting my intuition on a daily basis, I know the PTSD that I have experienced would be even more intense. Being an angel coach and author doesn’t mean I will never experience hard things. Having a clear angelic connection doesn’t make you immune to challenges or struggle. It does however mean that you will be loved and supported as you navigate them. If you hire me as your angel coach, I will walk by your side as you deepen your connection to your own angels through whatever pain you are going through. I will support you to create a unique, joyful and personal connection with your angels every day. I will teach you tools to relax and release your pain or sorrow with the love of your angels. You will receive relaxing, nurturing and empowering angel healing sessions from me to support the release and transformation of your deepest pain into peace. You will receive an angel attunement so you can give yourself infusions of the angelic energy of compassion. This attunement will not only heal your pain but help you discover the deeper meaning of it as well. If you are ready to transform your pain into peace, hire me as your angel coach. Fill out a short questionnaire on my website www.jillkempnerhealing.com and schedule a free breakthrough conversation. In this free 45-60 min BTC, I will help you get clear about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon angel blessings, Jill
Blog #15. The shadow of clairsentience
Happy full moon and Mercury retrograde earth angels The full moon is a potent time of illumination, celebration and heightened intuition. For earth angels the full moon can sometimes be overstimulating because of all the pain parts that get illuminated or incredibly draining because your intuitive channels are receiving an influx of too many energies at once. As a sensitive soul the full moon magnetizes your intuitive channels increasing your ability to receive angelic pain relief. Personally, this full moon is illuminating all the stress and sadness I have experienced recently. From my mothers passing, to finding my brother a new apartment, to managing my mom's estate and Dylan’s needs too. The stress has taken a toll on my gut as I process my mothers death and become my brother's caregiver. I often dismiss or just forget about how the angels are speaking to me through my gut feelings. Clairsentience means clear feeling and is the most common intuitive channel of receiving angel messages. Clairsentience is your ability to receive angel messages through your feelings, emotions and physical body sensations. This can be a tricky intuitive channel because as an earth angel and an empath you feel so deeply. Sometimes your emotions and feelings can be so intense that it’s difficult to discern between your feelings and emotions and what is direct angel guidance. Every feeling and emotion you have is valid and worthy of your attention. Your emotions are simply “energy in motion” and one of the gifts of being human. The biggest shadow of clairsentience is absorbing and even processing other people's emotions as if they are your own. This habit will dampen your clairsentience channel and make it difficult to discern between the bodily messages your angels are sending you and your own or others feelings. Remember to observe NOT absorb. Codependency, which is changing your mood and energy because of others, is another shadow of clairsentience. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by others' energy and emotions this is a sign to cut the cords of codependency and re-attune your clairsentience to your angels’ love. It’s important to remember that no one can make you feel any way. As my teacher Kyle Gray says, you are the keeper of your mind and body. Your thoughts are creating your feelings and you have the power to change, cultivate and nurture positive angel thoughts. The shadow of clairsentience can also show up as stress, emotional abuse, trauma or PTSD and this can make it difficult to trust this intuitive channel. Your angels know that your body is the divination tool as it instantly responds to fear or love. Your angels speak to you through your body and emotions and guide you to trust your gut. Honoring your own deep emotions in a healthy and empowering way will actually strengthen your angelic connection. To heal and empower your clairsentient channel you must be devoted to clearing cords of codependency, not absorbing others emotions and processing your own emotions with compassion. During this full moon cycle which is coupled with the start of mercury retrograde make time to relax your body and mind and release pain and stress so you can receive your angels’ tender loving care. If you are ready to trust your gut and heal your pain with angel love, hire me as your Angel Coach. Fill out a short questionnaire on my website www.jillkempnerhealing.com and schedule a free breakthrough conversation. In this free 45-60 min BTC i will help you get clear about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings, Jill |
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