Blog #14 Clairvoyance: The fastest way to receive angel messages
Happy new moon earth angels. New moons are a time to press the reset button and begin again. New moons invite you to release fear of seeing yourself fully and open to new beginnings of self-acceptance. As an earth angel your sensitivity and intuitiveness are heightened during the moon cycles. In my debut book, Receiving From Your Angel: Four Practices to Heal Your Pain with Angel Love, the angels teach that your intuition is your direct line to the divine. Every single human was given the gift of intuition, no exceptions. Your loving Creator would never deny you direct access to divine love and support. However because of free will you can choose whether you use or deny your God given spiritual gifts. I know first hand how difficult it can be to open your clairvoyance. Not only the fear of being judged or called weird but also the fear that I would trust it and then make a mistake. It took me many years to understand the depth of my clairvoyance and to understand how my angels were communicating with me through it. There were many times I did not want to see what the angels were showing me. I wanted to hide from them and myself. It takes tremendous courage to both receive and trust your clairvoyance. As an earth angel you are here to embody the benevolence of the Divine. A powerful way to stay in the flow of your angel's love is to trust and receive your intuition. Remember there are two types of intuition, direct and indirect angel guidance. Direct angel guidance is when your angels speak directly to you through your five intuitive channels. Each channel, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairfragrance and clairsentience, offer rich energy, information and angelic pain relief. Indirect angel guidance is when the angels speak to you through signs and synchronicity, like through music, numbers, finding coins and or through other people and events. In particular the angels are highlighting the direct angel guidance channel of clairvoyance during this new moon cycle. Clairvoyance which means clear vision is when your angels give you messages through your inner vision or mind's eye. Like the adage, a picture is worth a thousand words, your angels know that your clairvoyance is the fastest and most efficient way to send you healing messages. Your clairvoyance is like a mental movie that clearly shows your next pain-relieving angel steps. The angels understand your fears that block the healthy use of your clairvoyance. The shadow of clairvoyance can show up as being afraid to see something scary to even seeing your own divinity. The other shadows of clairvoyance like worry, self-doubt, distrust and confusion make it difficult to trust this intuitive channel. Clairvoyance is not about seeing the future or planning for the worst case scenario. Clairvoyance is about seeing inside yourself, your inner world, your parts and of course seeing your angels. Opening your clairvoyance to your angels’ love is a process that can be amplified during the moon cycles. During this new moon, you can invite Archangel Raziel to shine the rainbow ray into your third eye chakra in between your eyebrows. Inhale trust and exhale worries and doubts to begin the healing and clearing of your divine gift of psychic sight. If you are ready to receive and trust your intuition to heal your pain with angel love, hire me as your Angel Coach. Fill out a short questionnaire on my website and then schedule a free breakthrough conversation. In your free consultation I will share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon angel blessings. Jill
8/10/2022 1 Comment Blog #13 PTSD is NOT permanentBlog #13 PTSD is NOT permanent
Happy full moon earth angels. August is the karmic healing month and this is a powerful week with the Lions gate portal and the full moon cycle intersecting. The full moon illuminates the karmic patterns that are ready to heal. An angel download I received is “what is revealed will be healed”. As an earth angel the full moon magnetizes your intuitive channels creating a clear pathway for angelic divine downloads. The karma for me that’s being “revealed to heal” at this time is PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder is the stress you may feel from a previous trauma you experienced. My PTSD often shows up as flashbacks to a difficult time that in the moment was very hard to process. My PTSD can also show up as pain in my body or sudden body movements or twitches. I write about several traumatic experiences that I’ve had throughout my life and the resulting PTSD in my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels: Four Practices to Heal Your Pain with Angel Love. Part of my life’s mission is to help others heal PTSD with angel love. What is karma exactly? Karma is not the law of retribution, and eye for an eye or God’s punishment. Karma is not even good or bad. In the simplest version karma is just a pattern. The Angels teach that your karma is soul chosen and that the more difficult the karma is to heal the bigger the growth will be for you. Karma is the law of cause and effect and rather than seeing it as good or bad karma, the Angels view it as either restrictive or expansive karma. The Angels have shown me that your karma IS the issue in the tissue or the wound that you’ve been experiencing. This wound could be from this life or past life times. Sometimes as earth angels we come to heal generational or ancestral karma and put that pattern to rest for good. As an earth angel you came here to heal your karma. Your soul chose the perfect family, people, situations and experiences that would trigger these karmic patterns to surface. Your job is to choose love over fear. Each time you choose love over fear you move forward on your ascension path. Consciously healing your karma takes courage. There are so many layers of stress and pain that I am working through as I witnessed my mothers difficult battle with bile duct cancer and her ultimate death. I could not have walked through that traumatic year with as much presence as I had without my angels and the four practices in my book lighting the way. As painful, scary and disruptive as PTSD can be, I assure you that PTSD is not permanent. Any karma or trauma can be healed by receiving love from your angels. Your angels and the Divine are more powerful than your karma! To heal PTSD you must have a commitment of consciously relaxing and releasing the karma or pain and receiving healing love from your angels. The end result of healing your karma by receiving love from your angels is to transform it into your dharma which is your life‘s purpose. If you are ready to identify, heal and transform your karma, Hire me as your Angel Coach. Go to my website and fill out the breakthrough conversation application and set up a free 45 to 60 minute conversation with me. In this free BTC I will share your customized Angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings. Jill |
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