Blog # 5 Relieve Stress With Your Daily Devotional Practice
Happy new moon earth angels. New moons are a time of new beginnings and a chance to press the reset button. In the dark of the new moon there is an opportunity to release past pain and stress, and begin again. As a sensitive soul, your intuitive channels are tuned into the frequency of your loving angels. We are remodeling our bathroom, and I’ve learned that opening the walls of an old home is risky business. From needing all new plumbing, to crisscrossed wiring, to discovering our bathroom closet could have been a bomb shelter that took 2 days to demolish – it was a very stressful week. Not only were the mess, dust, and tools everywhere triggering my especially sensitive part, I also needed the house back in shape for an eight-hour angel training over the weekend. Even my calm and patient husband was getting flustered with the endless issues. The increased stress was slowing the flow of receiving my angels’ love. It's so easy to slip back to old patterns when stress levels are high, and your normal routine is disrupted. In my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels: Four Practices to Heal Your Pain with Angel Love available on Amazon, the angels teach that their love is unconditional and always available. Your only job is to ask for help and then relax and receive their love. Of course when the stress level is high, relaxation may seem out of reach. This is why your Daily Devotional Practice (DDP) becomes essential to stay in the flow of your angels’ love. Your Daily Devotional Practice is your spiritual practice and your commitment to receiving your angels’ unconditional love. It can help you release stress and access angelic ease. Additionally, each earth angel's DDP will look different, ebbing and flowing as you heal your pain. The angels liken your DDP to the energy of the new moon. Each day is a new beginning where you press the reset button and renew your devotion to receiving your angels’ infinite love for you. Every day you get to choose to make space to relax your body and mind, release stress and pain, and consciously receive your angels’ love, you strengthen your angelic connection. Your Daily Devotional Practice is designed to help you cherish both your physical and energy bodies, increase your ability to receive angelic pain relief, and ground you into the present moment – which is where your angels are, right here, right now. Your DDP can include, but is not limited to: prayer, meditation, self-energy work, angel oracle cards, and even mindful movement and journaling. The important thing is that you commit to a daily practice of receiving your angels’ pain-relieving love. If you are ready to create or evolve your daily devotional practice, hire me as your Angel coach and join the Angel Love Circle (ALC). The Angel Love Circle is a 3-month group coaching membership designed to help you build a relationship with your angels and receive your next level of angelic pain relief. Email me to set up a free 15-minute chat, and sign up by the new moon on March 2 to receive the entire month of March for free. All the details are on my website All my love and new moon angel blessings, Jill
Blog # 4 Your body loves spiritual relaxation
Happy full moon earth angels. Full moons are a time of culmination and celebration. The brightness of the full moon can also illuminate the shadowy places within you that need your angels' love. As a sensitive soul, the full moons awaken your intuitive channels making it easier to receive angelic pain relief. I have been getting many chances in the past few weeks to walk my talk and use the practices in my book to receive my angels’ love and healing. As I shared in my last blog, my mom has bile duct cancer and she has been quite ill. She has been experiencing fevers, intense pain and nausea and extreme fatigue pretty much every day. Last week it ended in a visit to the ER and a hospital admission. It was a deeply stressful week. One of the core teachings in my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels: Four Practices to Heal your Pain with Angel Love, is that relaxation is the gateway to angelic pain relief. Relaxation is a gift you give to your body and mind that supports natural pain relief. Relaxation is not spacing out, denying your feelings or an escape. Relaxation is an arrival to your body and the present moment. Your body instantly responds to fear or love. Conscious relaxation allows your body to receive more love and healing from your angels. Each level of relaxation, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual relaxation increases your ability to receive angelic pain relief. Your body loves spiritual relaxation. Of course the last thing I was thinking about doing when I was rushing my mom to the ER was relaxing. My parts were very nervous and worried that the cancer was escalating. Once we arrived at the hospital they got my mom into triage quickly and assessed that she needed to stay. Then they informed me that I was not allowed into the ER room or into the hospital room if she was admitted to the hospital. To say the least, I was pretty frustrated. After the stress of getting her to the ER, I was then left to sit there and just wait to hear what the scans revealed. I knew this was a time to pause, re-devote and relax. Once I settled down, my angels guided me to remember my fuel for the month, which is spiritual relaxation. Spiritual relaxation in one word is surrender. Spiritual relaxation is making space for grace and trusting that you are exactly where you are meant to be. As difficult as it was to accept all that was unfolding, my angels and my body were guiding me to surrender my worry, frustration and fear and relax spiritually. Spiritual relaxation can be the most difficult level of relaxation to receive because you need to let go of control and be still. Your ego parts don't want to relax, they want to fix, rescue and take charge. Once I relaxed spiritually and remembered the angels have my back, I was able to slow down, pray for my mom and focus on synchronicities that led to that moment. Spiritual relaxation made space for grace to enter and answers to be revealed. We had a few miracles from that hospital visit including a confirmation of my mom's intuition that the pain was not an infection in her biliary drains as well as new scans which can help the oncologist make a better treatment plan moving forward. Spiritual relaxation opened the gateway to angelic pain relief, clarity and grace. My mom is stable at home and is re-committing to natural cancer treatments. Thank you for your continued prayers and love. If you are ready to heal your pain with angel love, hire me as your Angel Coach. Go to my website and fill out the short questionnaire to apply for a free BTC. In this free 45-60 minute BTC, I will help you receive clarity about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings, Jill Blog #3 You are safe to be fully human and fully divine
Happy new moon and happy Lunar new year too. New moons are a time of new beginnings, inviting you to release past pain and renew your devotion. This new moon is called a “black moon” because it's the second new moon in one month. This rare occurrence increases the new moon's potency, amplifying intuitive downloads and clarity in angelic communication. My new beginning this new moon is to share more of my medicine and real life experiences in this blog to anchor in the teachings of my debut book Receiving From Your Angels: Four Practices to Heal Your Pain with Angel Love., available on Amazon. In June of 2021, I stepped off the plane from our family vacation to Sedona and went straight to the hospital. My mom was hospitalized for extreme jaundice, pain and nausea. The scans revealed a tumor in her common bile duct. She was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer. Bile duct cancer is rare, painful and very aggressive. Her prognosis is 6 months to 2 years with treatment. In the first month of her diagnosis, she was in the hospital for over 21 days. She had two failed stent procedures to open the flow for bile with the second one causing sepsis. She ended up needing emergency external biliary drains placed which saved her life. That's a whole other story. I became my mom's full time caregiver as the second half of 2021 became a flurry of hospital stays, doctors appointments, scans, and medications. I was thrown face first into the world of oncology, chemo and biliary drain exchanges, which I have never even heard of before this. There have been so many challenges and initiations since my mom's diagnosis. This experience has been both physically demanding and emotionally exhausting as I support my mom through this scary and deeply sad situation. To put it lightly, this has been so hard. In the face of such suffering, it's easy to get out of the flow of my angel's love. In Practice #1, Renew your Devotion, the angels call this breaking the sacred promise. Anytime you experience pain or fear, you have broken the sacred promise of receiving their love. And trust me that was happening a lot. Sometimes even just stepping foot into my mom’s house, smelling the garbage, which is by the back door, can trigger me into one of my worried, scared or sad parts and out of receiving my angel's love. Breaking the sacred promise is totally normal. As a highly sensitive earth angel it's common to get triggered many times throughout the day. I write in my book that the angels don’t expect us to be perfect, they invite us to be committed. Your angels invite you to devote yourself to staying in the flow of their healing love. Your angels have so much compassion for your human journey and will never, ever judge your triggered parts. The angels remind you that you are safe to be fully human and fully divine. This initiation with my mom is not over by any means. I know I will keep getting triggered as I navigate the unknown. I am so happy I have the simple practice of pausing when I get triggered and re-devoting to get back in the flow of my angels’ love. When I feel myself breaking the sacred promise, I don't beat myself up. I place my hands on my heart, the gateway to my angels’ love, and say “I am devoted to receiving love from my angels.” Every time you re-devote you strengthen your angelic connection and open the flow to receive angelic pain relief. I also want to say thank you to all the beautiful earth angels who have been praying sending love and energy work to my mom and my family at this time. If you are ready to heal pain with angel love, hire me as your angel coach. You can schedule a free one hour breakthrough conversation with me by answering the questionnaire on the start here tab of my website. In this free BTC I will help you receive clarity about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon angel blessings, Jill Blog #2 Your wound is your medicine.
Happy full moon earth angels. Earth angels love the moon cycles because you know how much more intuitive you will be. Full moons are a time of celebration and illumination. The full moon not only illuminates the pain that needs to heal, but also your earth angel medicine and gifts. Your intuition is magnetic to receiving angelic pain relief. In my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels, available now on Amazon, the angels say that your wound is your medicine. The angels teach that your wound is your greatest treasure when seen through the eyes of love. When you see the pain with your guardian angel's eyes it transforms into your medicine. Transformation of pain into peace occurs when you acknowledge the deeper meaning and understanding of your pain. Medicine heals. Your earth angel medicine is your unique set of gifts, talents and blessings that no one else has, because no one has walked in your shoes. No one has lived exactly as you have. Your earth angel medicine is created from your personal life experiences. The challenges, the difficulties, and the pain that you have experienced are all part of your medicine. Your angels fully honor your soul’s journey in a human body. They guide you to see the wound through their eyes of love and compassion, which is the magic that transforms the energy to its highest state. Your earth angel medicine is for you to receive first, then for you to share with others. You can receive your medicine by honoring the wound or pain that you experienced. Receiving your medicine happens through your devotion to relaxing your body and mind, releasing pain, and receiving angel love. When you embody your medicine it vibrates out of you and becomes effortless. Earth angels are brave. It takes courage to learn the lesson from the wound or pain. Learning the lesson is not about punishing, berating or judging yourself. You can create space to learn the lesson from the pain by stepping into the gateway of relaxation. Relaxation is the gateway to angelic pain relief. Each level of relaxation supports you in transforming your pain into medicine. The biggest block to sharing your medicine is feeling shame or unworthiness. You can feel like you are not good enough or that you aren't qualified or ready to share or shine more. It's ok to feel shaky, tender and vulnerable as you integrate your pain into medicine. Remember that pain is a part that needs your angel's love. Your angels have so much compassion for your human journey, just let yourself receive it. To quote Fia, “you have everything you need, just remember to breathe.” Ready to transform your pain into your medicine. Hire me as your angel coach. Apply to work with me on my website and schedule a free 45-60 min BTC. In this BTC, I will help you get clarity about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings, Jill Blog #1 Your fuel is your focus when the shadow arises
Happy new moon and happy new year earth angels. New moons invite new beginnings which is perfect as we enter the new year as well. The dark of the new moon invites you to release past pain and plant the seeds of peace, ease and self-compassion. As an earth angel the moon cycles amplify your emotions as well as increase your intuition allowing easy access to angelic pain relief messages. We are shifting from the fast, intense and dramatic year of a universal 5 into the heart healing and harmony of a universal 6 year. Numbers are vibrations as well as symbols that have a frequency. The universal year reveals the energetic influences and imprints for the year ahead. 2022 is a universal 6 year meaning when you add up all the numbers in the year they equal 6. 2+0+2+2=6. 2022 is an emotional and expressive year where love abounds. You will be guided to develop deeper levels of self-compassion, honor your emotions, learn to love yourself and others, and to open and heal your heart. 2022 is also a ‘22 year. 22 is a master builder number. This year you will be rebuilding your life personally and globally. 6 is the number of the heart, bringing balance, harmony and beauty. 6 is about having your cup full and is attuned to relationships, home, family, loved ones, and nurturing. 6 teaches you how to make heart based decisions, balance work and play, delegate and not take on too many responsibilities. This is a year of finding balance in relationships, especially the sacred relationship between your body and soul. The shadow of the 6 is over giving, being overburdened, perfectionism, fear of rejection and fear of others expectations. As you enter the new year as a devoted earth angel, it is essential to set your personal intention or fuel for the year. In my debut book, Receiving from your angels, the angels say that your fuel is how you want to feel as you move through the day. Your fuel is your focus when the shadow of your fuel arises. Your fuel is your ground whenever you break the sacred promise of receiving love from your angels. Your fuel anchors your earth angel medicine into your body. Once you set your fuel for the year, it’s normal for the opposite or the shadow to arise. The shadow of your fuel isn’t scary although it can be challenging. Many earth angels shy away from choosing a fuel for fear of drowning or getting stuck in the shadow of the fuel. If you are experiencing the shadow of your fuel, you are doing it right. Whenever you experience the shadow of your fuel, you have broken the sacred promise. Breaking the sacred promise is any time you feel pain or fear. When the shadow arises, it’s time to pause and re-devote to get back in the flow of your angels’ love. As a sensitive soul it’s normal to get triggered many times during the day. It’s nothing to worry about and actually your sensitivity is what helps you connect with your angels. When you are triggered and the shadow of your fuel is up for healing, take a deep breath and place your hands on your heart and re-devote. Silently say, “I am devoted to receiving love from my angels”, to shine your angels light on your shadow. Each and every time you break the sacred promise and then re-devote you strengthen your ability to receive angelic pain relief. If you are ready to heal pain with angel love, hire me as your angel coach. You can schedule a free one hour breakthrough conversation with me by answering the questionnaire on the start here tab of my website. In this free BTC I will help you receive clarity about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon angel blessings, Happy new year! Jill 12/16/2021 0 Comments Blog #24 What's in your aura?Blog #24 What's in your aura?
Happy full moon earth angels. The full moon is a time of celebration, culmination and illumination. The brightness of the full moon illuminates the pain pattern you are ready to heal. As a sensitive soul, the moon cycles magnify your intuitive channels which helps you tune into your energy body. The full moon invites you to celebrate how far you have come and to trust the angelic pain relief downloads you are receiving. In my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels, the angels highlight the importance of your energy body in receiving their love. Your energy body is designed to protect your physical body, release pain and keep you connected to your angels. Each layer of your energy body, your roots, parts, chakras and aura, operate both independently and interdependently to maintain the health of your physical body. Your angels cherish the sacred relationship between your physical body and energy body. Remember as an earth angel, your physical body is the divination tool and instantly responds to fear or love. As the home of your soul, your physical body relies on your aura for protection. Your aura which is the electromagnetic field around your physical body can be from four and up to 20 feet around your body. Although your aura is one unified field, it is also described as four layers, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers, in order to understand it better. Your aura is semipermeable, not a wall. It can let energy flow in and out as needed. The angels say that the strength of your aura depends on your awareness of it. The more you tend to and pay attention to your aura, the more protective and supportive it becomes. As an earth angel, you are guided to walk with an awareness of your aura to stay in the flow of your angels’ love. Your aura contains all the energies, emotions and experiences you have gone through in this lifetime, and often past lives as well, unless it is consciously cleared. The angels call these energy imprints. Some imprints are empowering and contain your gifts, your medicine and your blessings. Some imprints are challenging and contain your painful karmic patterns or trauma. It is one of your angel’s jobs to keep your aura clear, however the law of free will states that you have to ask for the angels to clear your aura. Your aura can also have leaks, tears, cords and psychic attack weapons within its field. This is nothing to be scared or ashamed about, we all have some unhelpful energies in our aura just from daily living. The full moon may reveal what's been lurking in your aura that needs to be released. When you have an unhelpful energy in your aura, it can show up as mysterious or out of the blue pain in your body. The angels teach that when fear is ready to release it shows up as pain. Clearing painful imprints from your aura is easy when you invite your angels. Invite your angels, by placing your hands over your heart, the gateway to your angels’ love, and say “I am devoted to receiving love from my angels”. Then relax your body and mind and be willing to release the pain or trauma, so you can receive your next level of angelic pain relief. If you are ready to deepen your relationship with your energy body to heal pain with angel love, hire me as your angel coach. You can schedule a free one hour breakthrough conversation with me by answering the questionnaire on the start here tab of my website. In this free BTC I will help you receive clarity about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings, Jill Blog #23 Your energy body magnetizes angelic love
Happy December and happy new moon solar eclipse earth angels. December is a portal month meaning there are many openings for you to up level and heal. This new moon is extra potent because of the solar eclipse. The new moon is a time for new beginnings, renewal and reset. The darkness of the new moon beckons you to release the pain, anxiety and stress that no longer serves. Releasing the pain is like pressing the reset button which creates space for your angels’ love to flow, healing your body, mind and soul. Eclipses support the release as they reveal what was previously “eclipsed” or hidden from your consciousness. As an earth angel, your intuition will be magnified during the moon cycles making it easier to connect with your energy body. In my debut book, Receiving From Your Angels, available now on Amazon, the angels teach about the importance of your energy body as a direct and consistent way to receive their unending love. Your energy body, which is composed of four distinct layers, roots, parts, chakras and aura, is an efficient way for your angels to send you love. Your energy body is designed to anchor your soul into your body, protect your physical body and keep you connected to your angels’ love. Your angels have so much compassion for the pain you are experiencing at this time in your human journey. They know the pain, whether it's physical or emotional pain, is very real and they never judge, dismiss or compare your pain to others. The moment you experience any pain, your angels send your cushion of love and compassion to comfort you. Although the angels say that pain is a portal to receive their love, they never want you to suffer. When your angels send you love, the first point of contact for you to receive their loving energy is through your energy body. The angels loving energy first connects with your aura which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your physical body. The angels love flows from your aura into the chakra that is closest to the point of pain. Chakras are energy centers or what the angels like to call them, angel receivers. Each chakra is designed to both give and receive energy from your angels to support, protect and heal your physical body. Although your angels can send healing energy directly into your physical body, it's a smoother connection for your human body to receive their love through your energy body. As an earth angel, you are guided to walk with an awareness of your energy body as you move through your daily life activities. Tending to your energy body will increase your ability to receive angel love. The strength of your energy body is affected by your awareness of its presence. As a sensitive soul it is common to have some fears of connecting with your energy body. You may be afraid of finding something scary, upsetting or discovering an unwanted energy. The new moon solar eclipse is a perfect time to release that fear and embrace the new beginning of connecting with your energy body on a daily basis as a pathway to receiving angelic pain relief. It is safe to acknowledge the presence of your energy body as you walk, shop, shower, drive and work. Use this prayer to open your heart. “Thank you angels for increasing my awareness of my awesome energy body.” If you are ready to deepen your relationship with your energy body to heal pain with angel love, hire me as your angel coach. You can schedule a free one hour breakthrough conversation with me by answering the questionnaire on the start here tab of my website. In this free BTC I will help you receive clarity about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon solar eclipse angel blessings, Jill 11/18/2021 0 Comments Blog #22 The shadow of clairvoyanceBlog #22 The shadow of clairvoyance
Happy full moon earth angels. This full moon is also coupled with a lunar eclipse, which brings deep revelations. Eclipses reveal what was previously “eclipsed” or unseen from your consciousness. The angels guided me to realize that although your pain and trauma can arise during eclipses, so too can your gifts, blessings and hidden miracles surface as well. The full moon brings illumination, celebration, and a culmination of all your inner work and healing. The full moon magnetizes your intuitive channels creating a smooth connection to your angels’ love. As an earth angel your body is the divination tool. Your body instantly responds to fear or love. Cherishing your body with deep relaxation, gentle releasing and conscious receiving opens your intuition to receive angelic pain relief. In my forthcoming book, Receiving From Your Angels, the angels say that when fear is ready to release it shows up as pain. Pain in your body is a sign that your body needs more love. Your angels are providing real time pain relieving messages and answers to your prayers through each of your intuitive channels. Although each intuitive channel has a clear and divine purpose, your clairvoyance is the most powerful of all the intuitive channels. Clairvoyance means clear sight is connected with your third eye chakra located between your physical eyes at your brow. Your clairvoyance is your inner vision and is like a mental movie that plays in your mind sharing angel wisdom. Your clairvoyance is the fastest way for your angels to give you messages. The old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words”, shows the importance of this channel to reveal your next angelic pain relief step. Your inner vision is a trustworthy way for your angels to communicate with you. As powerful as your clairvoyance channel can be, it also has many veils or shadows to release to access this spiritual gift. The number one block to your intuition is fear. This is why your angels will never show you images that scare you. There is a reason your human mind can not see the whole picture, however nothing is truly hidden for those who ask and are willing to receive the answer. Clairvoyance is not about seeing the future, predicting events before they happen, or planning for worst case scenarios. Clairvoyance is about clearly seeing inside yourself. Your clairvoyance invites you to clearly see your parts, your light, and the angels’ pain relieving messages through your inner vision. Trust is the medicine that opens your clairvoyant third eye. The shadow of your clairvoyance can show up as worry, self-doubt, confusion and indecisiveness. It can also show up as the fear of seeing something scary from the future, the fear of making a mistake when trusting your intuition and even the fear of seeing your own divinity. During this full moon lunar eclipse, invite the rainbow light of Archangel Raziel to open your third eye with unconditional trust, releasing worries, so you receive and trust your next angelic pain relief step. The calmer and more relaxed you are the easier it will be to trust your clairvoyance. If you are ready to trust your intuition and heal pain with angel love, hire me as your angel coach. You can schedule a free one hour breakthrough conversation with me by answering the questionnaire on the start here tab of my website. In this free BTC I will help you receive clarity about your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon lunar eclipse angel blessings, Jill Blog 21 Gentleness increases your intuition by Jill Kempner Angel Professional
Happy new moon earth angels. The new moon is a dark and potent time that offers a deep release of the energies and pain that no longer serve you. Once you release your pain into the dark fertile soil, you can plant the seeds of new beginnings of peace and gentleness. Each moon cycle magnifies your already open intuitive channels making it easier to receive Angelic pain relief. In my forthcoming book, Receiving from your Angels, the angels say that your intuition is your direct line to the Divine. It’s your birthright to receive all of the gentle pain relief you need to heal your body. Your guardian angels know the significant role that your physical body plays as the home of your soul. When your body is in pain it’s not betraying you, it just needs more love. Your intuition is your inner GPS and the direct way your angels communicate with you. Your angels are communicating with you through both your physical and psychic senses. Your body is the number one divination tool. Each of your intuitive channels offers a portal to receive angelic pain relief. Your angels are giving you pain relieving messages through your thoughts, feelings, visions and physical sensations. When you are hard or harsh on yourself when you make a mistake, “fail” or your body is in pain, this blocks your intuition. Some earth angels use harshness or self judgment as a shield to block negative or disruptive energies. However the angels remind you that like attracts like. And harshness as a shield will only attract more harshness. Gentleness opens your intuition and creates space to receive your angels TLC. Gentleness is a soothing and nurturing fuel that opens your heart, mind and energy field to receive angelic intuitive downloads. Gentleness is not for the faint of heart. It’s courageous to allow yourself to be vulnerable and gentle with your parts that are in pain. Paradoxically your vulnerability is your greatest strength. Your vulnerability increases your sensitivity and ability to receive intuitive angelic messages. Your angel's messages will always be peaceful, gentle, loving and trustworthy. Your angel's messages will never scare you or cause you or anyone else harm. Being gentle with yourself helps you listen to the whispers of your body. Gentleness with your body opens your senses and your direct intuitive channels. Gentle energy actually attracts more loving angels to your side, which is your true protection. Being gentle with yourself helps you cherish your body so you can receive your next right pain relieving step through your intuition. If you are ready to open your intuition to heal pain with angel love, hire me as your angel coach. You can schedule a free one hour breakthrough conversation with me by answering the questionnaire on the start here tab of my website. In this free BTC I will help you get clear about the source of your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and new moon angel blessings, Jill Blog number #20. The shadow of your fuel isn’t scary
Happy full moon earth angels. The full moons are a time of illumination and heightened intuition. The brightness of the full moon illuminates all of your blessings and celebrations as well as your shadow, like anger, fear or pain, that many times you’d rather hide. As an earth angel your sensitivity and intuitive abilities will be magnified during the full moon. In my forthcoming book, Receiving From Your Angels, the angels remind you that they have your back. The infinite love of the creator flows into the hearts of your angels and into your heart as you set your intention to receive it. Setting your fuel or intention is essential to receiving the angelic pain relief you need. Setting your fuel doesn’t have to be complicated or take a long time. Begin by being honest with yourself about how you feel at this moment. My teacher says that if you want to hear the angels, you first have to hear yourself. It’s important to be honest with yourself about how you’re feeling especially if you’re experiencing pain, anxiety or sadness. The truth is your angels already know how you feel. They are simply waiting for you to set your fuel and ask for their help. Once you devote yourself to receiving your particular fuel whether that’s peace, compassion, healing or more self-love, the angels of your intention begin to surround you. As the love of your angels flows into your energy body, including your aura and chakras, it gently integrates into your physical body, releasing pain. When the love of the angels enters your aura and begins to flow into your muscles and cells, whatever is not that fuel comes up for healing. This is called the shadow of your fuel. Your angels remind you that the shadow of your fuel isn’t scary, it's a part of you that needs love. Of course they understand your fear or resistance to your shadow. The shadow of your fuel is the opposing energy of that high vibrational intention you chose. Many earth angels get discouraged when they set their fuel, feel like they’re in the flow of the angels' love and then the opposite energy of that fuel comes up for healing. Again the angels want to normalize this and assure you that it’s a good sign when the shadow of your fuel comes up for healing. The key is to embrace your shadow as it arises so the angels can gently release it from your physical and energy body. Embracing the shadow of your fuel can look like giving it a hug, holding it in your heart or simply just accepting that it is a part of you. Remember the angels aren’t scared of your shadow. Your angels have so much compassion for your human journey and will never judge you or your shadow. They remind you that you are allowed to fall, you are allowed to fail, you are allowed to forget, because your angels have your back. Your angels understand that there’s a lesson and a blessing in every shadow part of you. As you embrace your shadow during the full moon and bring it to the light for healing you will receive the angelic pain relief you need. If you are ready to heal your shadow with angel love, hire me as your angel coach. You can schedule a free one hour breakthrough conversation with me by answering the questionnaire on the start here tab of my website. In this free BTC I will help you get clear about the source of your pain and share your customized angelic pain relief plan. All my love and full moon angel blessings, Jill |
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